Friends of Scouting is the annual fundraising campaign for the Southeast Louisiana Council. The campaign provides an opportunity for families, friends, alumni, businesses, and community organizations to support Scouting. The annual campaign is a vital part of ensuring that the Southeast Louisiana Council can support Scouts and Volunteers throughout our 9 Parish region.
Friends of Scouting helps:
- Recruit and train adult leaders and youth
- Provide assistance to those in need
- Keep camps and activities affordable
- Enhance programming and facilities
- Provide communication tools for volunteer leaders
Friends of Scouting contributions provide approximately 29 percent of the support the council receives each year. The success of Scouting depends on those who support it. Please help Scouting provide the resources necessary to make sure every youth can benefit from Scouting’s fun, exciting, adventure-filled activities that foster character, honesty, respect, and life-long values. There are many options to make a pledge or donation today!
Give Now! You can also text selabsa2025 to SMS toll free number 1-(844)615-4269
Friends of Scouting Pledge and Donation Information
You can pledge to help Scouting today and honor your pledge at any time this calendar year!
For those who prefer making a smaller monthly contribution to add up to a larger gift for Scouting, below are our recognition levels.
2025 Friends of Scouting (FOS) Recognition $60 - FOS Pocket Patch $120 - FOS Shoulder Patch $204 - Camp V-Bar Hat * The Southeast Louisiana Council Campfire Giving Society recognizes contributions to local Scouting at $250 per year or more. Council Campfire Giving Society Members will receive a special recognition gift and receive an invitation to join a local special event, normally a breakfast or luncheon, where your contribution will be recognized. |