List of Board Engagement Opportunities
- Policies & Procedures Committee: Assist with developing and reviewing the council guidelines and actions of the organization. Review as needed. No regular meeting schedule.
- Strategic Planning Committee: Alan Holekamp, ( Assist with helping the council define its strategy, or direction, and making decisions for allocating its resources to pursue the strategies. Review two to four times a year.
- Budget & Compensation Committee: The Budget Review Committee looks at 100% of the operating and financial position of the Southeast Louisiana Council. The committee works directly with the Scout Executive to review, approve, and provide recommendations to ensure a balanced budget at the end of each fiscal year. This committee meets one to two times a year.
- Audit Review Committee: The audit committee performs fiduciary duties on behalf of the board as a whole, hence the requirement that board members form the majority of this committee. Such a committee has the responsibility to assure itself and the governing board that the organization's financial policies, functions and responsibilities, in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Louisiana Standards of Account Practices and Procedures. The appointment of an independent public auditor should be based on the recommendation of this committee. It would also review the audit report and forward it to the board with its own evaluation. This committee will typically meet once a year with the Auditor and Scout Executive.
Finance: Wil Jacobs (
- Fundraising
- Community Friends of Scouting (FOS) Committee: gives our local business community the opportunity to show their support for the Scouting program. Assist in the process of contacting local businesses and individuals in requesting financial support of Scouting in Southeast Louisiana Council. Contact existing and new prospects during the first part of the year. Typically an FOS worker will contact anywhere from two to ten prospects prior to May 30th, and usually only meets at the Kick-off in January.
- Major Gifts Committee: Assist the council in cultivating, developing relations, and soliciting potential donors for sizeable gifts to support council operations, capital development, and endowment opportunities. Review as needed. No regular meeting schedule.
- Endowment Committee: Assist the council in cultivating, developing relations, and soliciting potential donors for sizeable gifts to the council through planned giving opportunities and outright gifts. This committee meets anywhere from two to four times a year.
- Special Events Committee: Are typically held annually or semi-annually and require thorough planning, but they typically pull in larger amounts of money and donations. Assist the council in identifying sponsors, teams, silent auction items, selling tickets, gifts-in-kind, organizing event working with a committee, etc. Typically a committee for a special event starts to meet four months prior to the event.
Program: Adrienne Roth (
Program: The four program areas within the Southeast Louisiana Council consist of the following:
- Camping Committee: The committee is comprised of members throughout our council. The mission of this committee is to ensure that every scout has a lasting memorable experience in Scouting and their outdoor adventures.
- Advancement Committee: The council advancement committee and the district advancement committees are responsible for implementing and facilitating advancement and processing most special awards and recognitions. This is done according to national procedures and local practices under the direction of the council executive board.
- Training Committee: The committee is responsible for providing leadership for the overall tone and direction for Adult Volunteer record keeping and training within the Southeast Louisiana Council.
- Activities & Civic Service Committee: This committee is a group of experienced Scouters that help plan a balanced schedule of fun and civic activities. They recruit teams to carry out activities such as Scouting for Food, local participation in civic events and community service, Camporees, Scout Shows, and planning calendars. They encourage and help maintain a balanced budget for the activities.
Membership: Bob Bartlett (
Membership Committee: The Council committee is a planning and supervising body whose job is to see that every eligible young person of Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Explorer Scout, or Venturing age within the council territory has an opportunity to become a member. The council-level committee performs the following tasks:
- Make periodic contact with major chartered organizations.
- Conduct a community organization survey. The committee should have a list of all the community organizations within the boundaries of the council and should survey their needs and their desires regarding young people and their ability to organize one or more units.
- Develop cooperative relationships with groups and organizations serving special youth populations.
- Provide recognition for chartered organizations and those who organize new units.
- Participate in the development of the council's long-range plan and the forthcoming year's goal and objectives planning.
- Provide support for districts to succeed in their unit and membership objectives.
- Work cooperatively with the commissioner staff to reregister units and lengthen their tenure.
Young Adult/College Leaders: This committee focuses on keeping young people over the age of 18 involved in Scouting as Assistant Scoutmasters, Merit Bagde Counselors, Camp Staff, etc. This committee is in the process of developing.
Scouting with challenges *No Scout left behind: This committee focuses on offering inclusive opportunities for Scouts with challenges (physical, mental, emotional). This committee is in the process of developing.
New unit Task Force: This committee focuses on helping new units succeed through mentors, additional focus and people helping with the process. This committee is in the process of developing.
Scouting Alumni and Friends Committee: Serving on the Alumni Committee is a wonderful way to engage, or perhaps re-engage, with the Southeast Louisiana Council. It is wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and an opportunity to meet Southeast Louisiana Council alumni who are younger or older. Members assist the college by participating on the following committees:
- Eagle Scout Alumni Committee
- Wood Badge Alumni Committee
- Camp V Bar Alumni Committee
- Order of the Arrow Alumni Committee
- Past Scouter Alumni Committee
We’re still in the process of developing these committees.
Talent Management
Nominating Committee: The local council nominating committee has the important responsibility of selecting a slate of council leaders who will be responsible for achieving the council objectives of ensuring that every unit and district earn Quality recognition, thereby increasing the effectiveness of Scouting in every youth member’s life. Additionally, it will maintain lists of potential candidates and meet periodically throughout the year to assess those candidates.
Marketing Stacy Becker (
Marketing Committee: The local council marketing committee is responsible for all facets of marketing, including public relations, media relations, promotions, advertising, and research. The committee's principal responsibilities are as follows:
- Develop, implement, and evaluate the marketing plan in support of the council's strategic plan.
- Prioritize projects and set short- and long-term marketing goals.
- Develop a budget with the help of the council finance committee to support the marketing plan. Depending on council needs, this may include expenses for newsletters, annual reports, research, professional services, audiovisuals, literature, and recruitment materials.
- Determine which marketing methods are most effective in communicating the local council's mission and goals.
- Be informed of, evaluate, and communicate to the council executive board any societal influences that affect the delivery of the Scouting program.
- Support the delivery of the Scouting program by producing and placing printed and audiovisual marketing tools.
- Ensure that the BSA's markets—families, youth, and chartered organizations—have the accurate knowledge and materials needed to promote Scouting.
- Continually inform council leadership of the value of positive public relations. Provide the public and media with information that will promote a positive image of the BSA.
- Promote positive public relations from the council level to the unit level.
- Assist and support the planning, promoting, and launching of new programs and projects.
- Ensure the creation of consistent messages, communicating the fun and values of Scouting.
- Provide audiovisual communication programs and services to inform audiences, both internal and external, of Scouting's mission.
- Ensure the orderly and effective planning and development of all local council publications in order to make these publications more responsive to their readers.
- Support the council through timely, useful research. Continually research and evaluate all aspects of the council's program. Keep the program relevant to the current and future needs of youth, families, and chartered organizations, while upholding the principles and ideals of the Scouting movement.
- Motivate district- and unit-level volunteers to continue conducting positive public relations at the district and unit levels.
- Create and maintain a favorable climate of public opinion to help the council achieve its mission of youth development.
- Track how effective marketing efforts are by keeping a record of positive and negative feedback.
Administrative Services
Technology & Innovation Committee: Provide vision, leadership, planning and coordination for council-wide computing, telecommunications, and technology in general. Make recommendations to the Council and the President on computing systems and services, council network and applications, accessibility and other technology issues as they arise. Develop and implement a comprehensive long-range technology plan addressing the computing and technology needs of the college through the next few years, including: computer systems and services, network development, equipment and training needs, institutional telecommunications and instructional technology applications. Oversee the use of funds related to technology. Not currently active.
Conservation Committee: The Council Conservation Committee is charged with the promotion and implementation of environmental conservation educational efforts within the council. The committee will meet as needed to accomplish their current tasks but not less than twice a year. Not currently active
Risk Management Committee: Aaron Thompson ( Assist in the process for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks of different kinds within the council. The idea behind using risk management practices is to protect the council from being vulnerable. This committee meets on a quarterly basis.
Properties Committee: Ken Klemm (
Sub Groups: Safety, Loss Reduction and NCAP Compliance; Property Boundary; Utilities & Roads; Buildings and Structures; Movable Properties; Forestry; Campsites and Trails
- Safety, Loss Reduction and NCAP Compliance: This sub-group is responsible is to be knowledgeable about the BSA NCAP requirements to act as consultants to the members of the other sub-groups. In addition, they are to look at all of the properties of the SELA Council with regards to safety and ensuring the risk of loss is at a practical minimum.
- Property Boundary: This sub-group is responsible for an annual inspection and report of the property perimeter to check that our neighbors are not encroaching, and that the perimeter of the property is accurately marked, and that any fences are satisfactory.
- Utilities and Roads: The utilities consist of: Electrical service up to the disconnect on each served structure, Water service from the municipal supply up to the disconnect valves on each structure, Sewerage and septic systems up to the perimeter of each served structure; Low voltage systems such as wi-fi and telephone both between buildings and inside of buildings; and Rain water drainage on roads, and throughout camp. Responsibilities for "roads" includes the condition or the road way and its gutters along with dealing with the rainwater collected in the road gutters.
- Buildings and Structures: All immovable improvements and their mechanical systems are included in this category. The items included are: Foundations, Structures, Roofs, Utilities for each building not part of the "Utilities and Roads" sub-group such as bathroom facilities, air conditioning, lighting. Specific equipment for each structure such as the kitchen and dish washing equipment for the mess hall.
- Movable Properties: Examples of "movable properties" are: Boats, Rifles, Bows and arrows and Climbing gear.
- Forestry: The responsibilities of the Forestry sub-group is to make sure that our forest asset is properly maintained and harvested responsibly with replanting. This sub-group must manage the Forestry Policy for Camp V-Bar.
- Camp Sites and Trails: This sub-group will not only monitor the condition of the camp sites and trails, but also liaise with the adopting groups for each camp site.