Message from the Lodge | Lodge Chief's Corner: I hope this message finds you all in great spirits. My name is Hayden Nugent, I am a 19-year-old freshman at Nicholls University, and I am both excited and honored to announce that I have been elected your lodge chief for the year 2025. To share a bit about myself, I was inducted into Order in the spring of 2021. That fall, I earned my Brotherhood, and this year I was honored with the Vigil Honor. Throughout my journey in the lodge, I have served as an elangomat, chief elangomat, and member of the ceremony team. Most recently, I had the privilege of serving as your Lodge Treasurer. As I step into this position, I have a strong desire to improve our lodge . I have set three key goals for the upcoming year: - Enhancing our program to allow high levels of active membership.
- Improving lodge meetings by ensuring they are well-planned and that agendas are shared in advance.
- Strengthening communication, making it easier for members to share feedback and ask question
Thank you for your support , and I look forward to an exciting year ahead! |  | Message to Parents: The Order of the Arrow is a rare organization in today's society. The order stresses cheerful service and servant leadership as the cornerstone of a successful life. Your son will learn leadership skills, valuable life lessons and make great friends all while having fun in the outdoors. The Ordeal is an induction weekend where Scouting values are reinforced and Scouts grow as individuals and as an Arrowman in a brotherhood. More information on the OA can be found at this link. You can also email us. |  | Message to Candidates: If you have been recently elected, please be sure to register for the Spring or Fall Ordeal and select candidate as your registration type. If you haven't been elected but would like your troop to hold an election complete the form at following link. Requirements to be elected into the Order of the Arrow: - Unit elections will be permitted in Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout units.
- Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
- Have experienced 15 nights of camping while registered with a troop, crew, or ship within the two years immediately prior to the election. The 15 nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of at least five consecutive nights of overnight camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. Only five nights of the long-term camp may be credited toward the 15-night camping requirement; the balance of the camping (10 nights) must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps of, at most, three nights each. Ship nights may be counted as camping for Sea Scouts.
- At the time of their election, youth must be under the age of 21, hold the Scouts BSA First Class rank, the Venturing Discovery Award, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their unit.
- Adults (age 21 or older) who meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to and approval by the lodge adult selection committee.
|  | Message to Units: The Order of the Arrow is full of knowledgeable Scouts and Scouters who are dedicated to the BSA program and are willing to assist your unit. When you have tried new approaches and nothing seems to be working, or you are just looking for a fresh idea, feel free to contact the Order of the Arrow. An Arrowman can assist with a skill that is going to be taught at a troop meeting, attend a troop or team outing, help promote camping, help with leadership activities, or be present at troop functions to serve as a positive role model for those troops with younger Scouts. The Order of the Arrow is not designed to take older Scouts away from the unit. The Order of the Arrow is designed to keep Scouts in Scouting as they mature. When Scouts go through their Ordeal, the first interaction between the Scout and the Order of the Arrow program, it is stressed for Scouts to remain active in their unit. These are just some of the benefits your troop or team can receive assistance from utilizing the Order of the Arrow. |  | |